Promoting Awareness and Stewardship

FieldWatch is a non-profit collaborative organization that depends on the generosity of its sponsors and members to operate our four registries. We accept membership applications from companies, organizations and individuals who want to support the continued innovation and implementation of our voluntary platform. As FieldWatch seeks to facilitate increased collaboration and communication in the agriculture community, we appreciate the support of our sponsors and members. 

Pay Your Membership or Make a One-Time Gift

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Join Today!

FieldWatch encourages all users who find value in the tools we provide to consider joining as dues-paying members. By registering, producers and beekeepers can record their sites and purchase signs, and applicators can receive email notifications about newly added sites in their defined areas. However, growers, beekeepers, seed companies and applicators can access our registries and free mapping tools, without becoming dues-paying members.

FieldWatch users who elect to join as dues-paying members receive the following benefits:

  • Recognition on the FieldWatch website (including a link to your company), in presentation materials and at events
  • Opportunity to attend the annual FieldWatch Member Meeting
  • Applicator members may receive information via live data stream
  • The opportunity to support the continued innovation and adoption of a voluntary collaboration tool that contributes to and strengthens ongoing stewardship in agriculture

Membership Options

– $100 per applicator/year for each state in FieldWatch registry in which applications are made  
– Applicator members may also access FieldWatch data layers from vendor licensee members who combine them with other mapping/GIS services

Member States

Offering full suite of FieldWatch collaboration tools (DriftWatch and BeeCheck)  
– First year fee: $24,500  
– Maintenance: $6,500/year in addition to resource requirements for data stewards and other outreach activities  

Offering BeeCheck Apiary Registry only  
– First year fee: $13,000  
– Maintenance: $6,500/year in addition to resource requirements for data stewards and other outreach activities 


Entities and organizations, such as software providers, that license access to FieldWatch registries to member applicators:  

– $500 per state/year in member operational footprint (that is in FieldWatch registry) Example: Company operates in three FieldWatch states, their membership dues would be $1,500 on an annual basis

Individuals, organizations and businesses interested in supporting FieldWatch

Crop protection and equipment manufacturing companies
– Global gross crop protection revenue of more than $2.75B: $50,000/year  
– Global gross crop protection revenue of $1B – $2.75B/year: $25,000/year  
– Global gross crop protection revenue of less than $1B: $10,000/year 

National, state and regional food companies and agribusinesses (i.e., retailers, food processors) 

$500 per state/year in member operational footprint (that is in FieldWatch registry), plus $100 per branch location distributing or using FieldWatch data (Capped at $10,000)

Agriculture trade organizations or other NGOs (crop/farm/trade/conservation/pollinator) 

National entities  
– Full Membership: $5,000 (which includes opportunity for board membership)  
– Ambassador Level: $2,500 with in-kind commitment (communications, outreach, advocacy or other expertise committed to FieldWatch)  
State and local entities  
– Full Membership: $500  
– Ambassador Level: $250 with in-kind commitment (communications, outreach, advocacy or other expertise committed to FieldWatch) 

Individuals who wish to support the ongoing success of the organization and who desire to be included in member meetings, newsletters and have access to other member benefits 
– $50 per member/year

Become a Member Today!

Membership Resources and FAQs

As a user, it is absolutely free for producers and beekeepers to input and manage the data related to their operation. It is also free of charge for our end-users, the applicators, to access the data.  

We encourage our users to become voluntary, dues-paying members if they would like to support the continued innovation and operation of FieldWatch. The voluntary membership is a means to generate revenue from companies, organizations and individuals who want to get involved and demonstrate their support of our stewardship tool.  

Each FieldWatch state has a primary data steward and in all states to date, that person is employed with the state’s department of agriculture. These data stewards provide a key leadership role in implementing and administering the FieldWatch tool. When you register with FieldWatch, your state’s data steward will receive your request. He or she will either approve or deny this request based on the criteria for becoming a user. If problems arise while using the registry, your state’s data steward can help or direct you to someone who can answer your question. 

We can use your help in spreading the word about the importance of voluntary stewardship tools, like FieldWatch, with key stakeholders in your state. These conversations go a long way in creating momentum for a state to become involved and join the registry. It may be beneficial for grower and applicator groups, as well as individuals, to contact their state department of agriculture indicating the desire and need for such a program in their state.  

For more information to assist in your outreach, please do not hesitate to Contact Fieldwatch.

Join the FieldWatch Members!